Amalgamation | 100 Years of Perseverance

Candace has been working in Sechelt BC as Talaysay Tours coordinates a monumental event with the  Shíshálh Nation to  commemorate the Shíshálh Amalgamation.  This event is in recognition of the 100 years of living as a tribe in the village of ch’atelích (present day Sechelt, BC). 

During this period our four clans were forced to live on the reserve as the population was in major decline due to epidemics.  Nonetheless, the Shíshálh Chiefs, Matriarchs and Peoples banded together and proclaimed that they would unite as a people throughout an extremely difficult time.   

As their descendents, we honour and acknowledge our ancestors for everything they did for us, to stay strong as a people.  Now we prepare and plan to dance and sing; in preparation for this momentous day of acknowledgment and celebration of the 100 years (1925-2025) of perseverance. 

- xets’emits’a, Candace Campo


Anticipating Silver | Preparing for the Herring Spawn.


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